Sunday, March 22, 2009

Went to party!!!


Back from a party! and it was soooooooooo fun!! We were celebrating my friend's birthday and it was fun. We were playing video games and they were teasing me with the cats that they had(I am actually scared of cats).... they were chasing me with the cats... we ate pizzas..onion rings...burgers and drank a lot of water- as we were running here.. and there. We went there at 11.00 a.m and ended at 3.00 p.m.

Now, at home, there's nothing to do... there's my PSP but.. the games are getting a little boring now. Have to go in a while, to go and do my chores. My sister's watching Scooby-Doo and my mom's a little moody... as she has flu.

HAve to go now.. Catch ya later.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ist day of school holidays.......

Hi everyboday...hehehe.

Tomorrow's gonna be the first day of school holidays and .......... we're bored...
Anyways... at least I have my PSP back.... which reminds me, I have to download more games in there.. hehhe

I added more songs in the music player and I hope you enjoy 'em. Some from Pop Shuvit and 2 - I think from Jonas Brothers, from their 3D concert. Some jerk is trippin' off my friends in school,, spilling their secrets and man, that 'person' is getting on my nerve!!! Anyway, there's an exibition at The Mall about b.Mobile- My mobile phone carrier, from today till Sunday.

Laterz ....>> ^_^

Friday, March 13, 2009

Worn out!!!


Just finished eating the 'mee goreng' that my mom fried this morning.. I'm totally pooped! Tired from all that swimming just now with my friend..... We went to the Jerudong Country Club.... It was a cloudy day today and so.. swimming on a day like today wasn't really fun.... so.. we swam here.. then there.. before you know it, it's time to go home. We went into the bathroom and the bathroom is 'WOW!!!'. The bathroom has aircond and it was so bright!! Then, they sent me home...

Still haven't got the 5th season of House.... still waiting....
Watched Twilight all day.... and the movie is not bad.... watched Ace Ventura Jr. and it's hilarous..
Studied for the Science test for tomorrow... Unit 6,7 and 8....
Right now.. my sister's singing a song called 'Squishing the baby bumblebee'.......and me.. playing Pet Society. The game is very addictive..
Tomorrow's ECA(Extra Curricular Activities) is Group A.... all sports...
Then, next week, on Friday, will be our 1st term school holidays... so.. no school next Saturday!! YAY !=)

BTW... I added more songs in the music player.... =) tata!!