Monday, December 15, 2008

Popshuvit on the Video Corner

Hi everybody!!

I changed the Video Corner videos from Hannah Montana 3 to Popshuvit (band).
Anyway, the year

is just around the corner!!!! I'm excited!! I will be in Form 2 ( Sec. 2).

Yesterday, we went out to the restaurant located by the side of a river. After having lunch there, we went to the shopping centre opposite the restaurant. Since I left my wallet back home, my mom gave me $10 and I wanted to spend it on my PSP DVD game disk but it's so expensive!!! Usually, I go to the store which I bought my PSP... they sell the PSP DVD game for like $8. That's cheap beacause thay have like 5-6 games in the disk but the store I went to yesterday, they sold 1 PSP DVD game disk for $10 and only has 2 or 3 games in that thing!!!! =x.

After that, we went to the Mall. There are some sort of an expo sales at the atrium of the Mall and some of the electronics and the gadgets are so cheap. The Ipod Nano is for $60, the pendrives are selling from $ 8 - $32 and they're selling through the roof. I can see the staff putting the pendrives again and again. I wanted to buy the Memory Stick the 8 BG but my mom didnt let me.

Then, we went to the Dairy Queen and had hot dogs (sausages) & juices,. My little sister and myself chosed the Chilli cheese hot dogs with fresh squeezed orange juices whereas my mum also chosed the Chilli cheese hot dogs with the banana pudding blizzard( sticky ice-creams).

Which reminds me of the recent incident a few weeks ago....... one of the cousins that came here ..... on a holiday/sight-seeing, bought a blizzard. The person who served him the ice-cream served it upside down. They said that if their blizzards are not serve upside down, it will be free. The funny thing is that cousin thought that the ice cream would be sticky always, so he tried to show his tricks and he turned the ice cream upside down and then,,,, PLOOOOPPPP!!!! There goes the ice cream (I did not see this incident but I heard it from my sister). I heard that he tried to catch the ice cream too!!!! he..he..he

Anyway, back to the places we went yesterday. After we have eaten our hot dogs and blizzards, we went to a stall that we went before, about few weeks ago to buy hoods. There, we saw nice bags. We got 2 new bags each costing.....$25.........each

Looking at the price makes my wallet hurt!!!! hhhhaaaahahahaha.......It's ok, my mum paid for it..hehehe

Today, I woke up late....... my parent went out earlier to go and make me and my sister Student Passes for next year, since we are foreigners in this country. They came back like 2 - 3 hours later and they bought nice food back home. They bought buttermilk buns, kaya buns, American cheese cakes, Blackforest cakes..yummm.

I just ate a few buttermilk buns and man!!! They taste great!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My cousins are coming!!

My cousins are coming soon!!!

My cousins are coming from KL( Kuala Lumpur).......... and one of them is married to a popstar from the malasyian band named 'Popshuvit'. They're music are not really bad!!!

Anyway, my dad went to work after the midday prayers and the reason for him to go to work in the afternoon.... is... he came beck to work late yesterday like......1 in the morning. I just finished eating..... I ate noodle soup with egg.

My mom's taking a nap and my little sister is watching 'Mr. Bean'( the animated cartoon version).
She keeps on watching that all the time. I guess it's the season for Mr. Bean.......

I have to go now....... My mom gave us timings how long we can use the internet.........


Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm terribly BORED!!!!!!!!=(

I'm terribly bored.................

Don't blame me!!!! I'm still a young person and I get used to going to school and when when it comes to school holidays,,, I get terribly bored!!!!!

We tuned in to our favourite DJ on the radio and my mom's planning to go on a short( when I mean short,, I mean really short and tiring!!!) holiday. Anyway, all I did today was read a couple of Malay compositions, listened to the radio, played PSP, played with phone...... made some software,,,,,,

I just finished my dinner. We had omelette and we had some nice juice.... I drank like 3 small cups of Purple Carrot and Cranberry Juice.

You know what???!? The games in my PSP are quite boring to me right now... in the game of managing theme parks, I already owned all the theme parks, I deleted the game "Ghost Rider"(because it's not fun), and the only game I played today is Shrek(racing game).

I hope my mom's planning goes well and I hope my dad has no work then,, so we can go somewhere and actually has a holiday...

Have to go and help with the dishes now!!! Byeee!!! =)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Watched Bolt!!!!!!!!


We finally went to the cinema and watched Bolt just now........... I cried like a lot of times and then, laughed tons more...........the show was interesting.

Then, after the show, we went to to the Food Court and ordered some food from a fast-food restaurant. After a while, my sister got bored so......... she went and begged my mom to let us to go to the arcade........we went there and bought some tokens and went in the arcade it was quite crowded as it was school holidays.....we had only 8 tokens but..... we won like more than 20 tickets!!!

We went home after that....... I'm now at home with nothing to do.....
Listening to music....looking for PSP software........

I have to go now!!!! BYE!!