Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hey... uh....
sorry i couldn't write anything for months... i got school, ugama and tuition... so... yeah...

I have a new game that i play on the internet.. its called AQ Worlds... its a really nice game... you can meet people.. you can fight... so.. if you ever think of trying the game.. click here.
My username is... cyberklot817... so.. if you wanna see me.. i always use the Minimal server... so.. if you can see me there.... whisper to me .k?

Anyways... in History class today... we went to the language lab and watched a movie... its about the Japanese Occupation during the fallback in Thailand. Really touching story.... by the time we reached half of the movie... it's already recess/break... so the teacher that we can watch that some other time......She said that there is another story/movie like that that would creep the living daylight out of you... and i was like ??????

Got tuition today... Science.... I like the teacher.. she's a really nice teacher.. funny too...
My family's planning to go to Singapore or somewhere..... can't decide where... *whispering* my needs one.. hehehe.... but actually.. we really have no idea where to go... so... we'll think about that at the school holidays..

PS note: I added a music generator at my page... the song is Love Story(digital dog remix), by Taylor Swift(its a new version.. i like both..)